1. My Eldest Child
2. How About Two Gorillas?
3. Who's Kicking That Gong Around?
4. Dinner on the Rocks
5. We're Bigger Than They Are, But...
6. Look Who's Talking
7. The Big Train
8. Two Seats on the Moon-Shot
9. Shape Up Or Ship Out
10. Somewhere George is Calling
11. Don't Fool Around with the Man Upstairs
12. Of Hitches and Stitches and Big Round Dogs
13. Very, Very Huckleberry
14. It's Lad by a Nose
15. The Big Brass Blonde
16. Swing That Indian Club
17. The Pied Piper of Ridgemont
18. Say Uncle
19. Nobody's Perfect
20. My Good Friend, Whatsisname
21. The Monster in the Basement
22. Wring Out the Welcome Mat
23. Move Over, Mozart
24. Who's Walking Under the Bed?
25. How Now, Hausfrau?
26. Big Man On Campus
27. The Magnificent Muldoon
28. The Leaning Tower of Ridgemont
29. Mine Is the Luck of the Irish
30. Night of Knights